
mercoledì 10 aprile 2013

William's Wish Wellingtons and Nouns in Year 1

I found a great unit on nouns in Belair Hands On Literacy. 

It's based around the cartoon William's Wish Wellingtons. We watched the cartoon and then discussed nouns. In the first session the children completed a character profile. As usual I included lots of opportunities to use 'has got', one of the language targets for the Trinity exam my kids do at the end of Year 2. 

In the next session the kids created a noun book based on William The Pirate. They had to choose a noun for each page, considering the headings: person, place, thing and animal. The main responses were pirate, the sea, ship and parrot.
We will make some more booklets throughout the week based on more of William's adventures!

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